Additional Dialogue Features + Bug Fixes (V0.3.9)

During this week. I initially focused on fixing several bugs with the dialogue system. These were the main ones.

  • The issue with sounds getting cut off when trying to play sound effects should now be fixed.
  • You no longer have to click an additional 2-3 times after the cut-scene ends to get the UI to go away.
  • The cut-scene and fight are now properly triggered when entering the boss room (though there is no sound as it is still trying to use the old audio system)
  • A few other smaller bug fixes.

In addition to these bug fixes, a few new features were added to the system as well. First, there is the skip button which has two modes, one that will automatically toggle through the dialogue for you every few seconds, and a second mode, which will immediately skip through all of the dialogue in the cut-scene. The other major addition was adding support for multiple images of the same characters in the dialogue system, so that we can have characters do different emotions as they interact with the player, depending on what's happening in the game. The last thing I did was meet with Zion several times to start planning out the quest system, which we should be starting the implementation of by the end of the week.

Some other things I plan on doing include

  • Fixing the boss-fight audio, and making sure the mid-fight dialogue works
  • Implementing dynamic walking sounds depending on which surface the player is on
  • Moving over the rest of the audio files into the new sound system
  • Working with the others to get the tutorial scene set up.

I think that about sums everything up, see you all in the next update!

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